Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dear Tim, and Mr. _______,
I wanted to let you know that I have vacated _________________. Jayson ____ and Phillip _____ have harassed me, and threatened me, and I do not feel safe with either of them living in the apartment. On the night of Friday Nov. 4th they kept me up all night long. First with loud music above noise violation levels, and then with yelling and threats after I asked them to turn their music down. They called me the names "Tranny Bitch" and "Cunt with a Dick," as well as threatening my property which I stored in the bathroom we shared, my employment, and my habitation. They did this while violently kicking my door. I called the cops after about an hour of threats, after which they quieted down but did not cease in threatening me through my door which I kept dead-bolted. Jayson then called in a bogus assualt charge on me and had the cops at our apartment the second time. This was after they had been barred from the bar I work, during one of my shifts, as Jayson exposed himself to the bartender. After the cops left the second time Jayson and Phillip continued their threats and resumed their loud music until they finally passed out around 10:00 AM. I left the apartment at that time and have been staying with friends through most of November.
When I informed Mr. _______ of this incident he spoke with Jayson and later informed me that Jayson was highly apologetic and that it had been agreed that Phillip _______ was not allowed on the property. After Thanksgiving I reoccupied my room and began to be harassed by Jayson again. I suspected, but could not confirm, that Phillip had moved back into the apartment. I was able to confirm this suspicion this morning when I caught him in Jayson's room.This letter is also to inform you that Jayson and Phillip have disregarded Mr. ________ agreement with me in regards to Phillip. I called my father to help me move when it became apparent that Jayson was not going to cease harassing me. This morning I moved out of _______________ with the help of my father.
Jayson and Phillip harassed us as we were loading my father's truck by telling my father he had no business hearing the "question" they needed to ask me, slamming doors behind us as we left the apartment, Phillip yelling "Fuck You!!" when I informed my father that Phillip was actually not supposed to be  on the property, and finally occupying my room when my father and I returned to throw out the remaining furniture, and broken electronics, and give the room a final sweep. They demanded the keys of me saying that the third boy who was with them was moving into my room, and said they were on their way to speak to ___________about the new tenant to my room. I informed them that I would give the keys to ___________, which I will do either by mail on Monday or through his door slot on or before Monday. It is apparent to me that Jayson is a liar and that I cannot trust him as I believe he was very apologetic when he talked with __________, and that he understood that Phillip was not allowed back on the property.
I don't like to abandon my lease like I have, but I would not feel comfortable putting someone else in a similar situation as I, and I also believe that they have found someone to fill my room.  I overheard a conversation a shortly after Thanksgiving to the effect that someone was moving into my room this week and  the third boy who was occupying my room confirmed their story and was sleeping on one of the sofa's that they have chosen to store in the hallway when my father and I moved my belongings this morning.
I have been a good tenant and though I have gotten behind in rent because of some unemployment issues that my life transition was responsible for I have always caught up on rent as quickly as I could manage and paid rent through November even after this incident happened. When I signed the lease last August I expected to have three roommates each in separate bedrooms. I have been responsible for filling all the vacant rooms since that time with little help from Ace.
I believed Kenny and Ashley to be suitable for one room because they were married, and because I respect that they are going through difficult times but they are trying to get their life together. Jayson I allowed to move in because I knew the room had to be filled and I believed (at the time) that he and Phillip had broken up and he was moving into the apartment alone. Only later did it became apparent that they intended to move in together when Phillip began calling me with questions and pressuring me to change the terms of the lease which I informed him I did not have the power to do.
Currently Ace, Ashley, Kenny, Jayson, and Phillip occupy _______________. Five people should be more than enough to pay the rent for an apartment that was only meant to occupy four. Personally I believe that Jayson and Phillip have found someone to occupy my room, (though they must have been looking for quite some time now considering the effort it took me to fill theirs). If they haven't, I believe they should be held responsible for filling it or covering the rent because of their actions over the last month that have made me feel threatened and unsafe in a property that I have always felt safe at.
Under normal circumstances I would work to find a sublet until either my lease was up, but as Phillip and Jayson won't allow me to safely enter the property in their presence, and that I am leaving the apartment with at least one more person living there than it was designed to hold, I would really appreciate it if you would let me out of my lease and give me good reference for the apartment I am trying to move into with my girlfriend.  I appreciate your help in regards to the situation with Jayson and Phillip and although I will not occupy the apartment as long as Phillip is living there, I believe it would be impossible to keep him away as long as Jayson remains a tenant. I sincerely hope that they enjoy and appreciate living on Monument Ave as much as I have, and though they are off to a disreputable start I hope that they prove to be suitable tenants.
Natalie Colleen Gates

PS. For all future communications I wish only to be contacted by mail or email. My mail is being forwarded to _______

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