Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A short post about some research in trans theory, and a little about two trans people meeting

I don't have much to write about. Go figure. Anyway I thought I should update this blog a little.

I have decided to go back to school for a PHD in Gender Studies. I want to research and develop trans theory. Anyway I've been spending quite a lot of time reading and taking notes.

It's interesting that Christine Jorgensen explained herself as having a hormonal imbalance. that's how I've always understood myself and it seems that a lot of other trans people feel similarly. I think that whole "woman trapped in a man's body" cliche might have been something forced on us by cisgender therapists and researchers with their own agenda.

Anyway, I think I'm going to write my paper along those lines, as in what I think being trans actually is versus  how a whole lot of people have tried to explain us away while completely disregarding our experiences and feelings on the issue.

I do think things are changing though. We're not considered mentally ill anymore, which is a definite step in the right direction, and hopefully more and more of us will go into fields where we can influence how trans people are understood and treated. I think it will happen. I think it is happening.

I also wanted to write an entry about why I don't have any MTF friends...let me rephrase that a little...why I haven't really met any MTF people I get along with real well, but I don't think I have enough time. In a nutshell most of us blend in so well that we're kind of hard to spot. I mean, I could probably be considered an expert at spotting transgender people, but for me it's much more difficult to be confident that someone is trans when they are post transition.  I mean, they match. There isn't really any disconnect to see. And then in all honesty physical norms for male and female overlap so much that unless someone transitioned fairly late in life and has a whole lot of physical markings of the opposite sex it's really hard to be sure enough that someone is trans to ask them. On top of that, even when I know someone is trans, there is still the whole thing about confronting them about it, which I'm not comfortable doing. I mean, I have been approached about it (usually by drag queens or cross dressers) and once I'm like "yeah" then what? Do they read my blog? usually not. Do we necessarily have anything in common?

This whole being trans thing is kind of like having red hair only it isn't quite so easy to see.

"So hey, you have red hair! So do I!"

There is the whole experience of it, which is very interesting to talk to. Hell I keep this blog about it. Of course most of the transwomen I've met haven't been too interested in theory and honestly have seemed a little more interested in stuff like how to pass....Of course, Maybe I've met a whole bunch of transwomen and not even known it.

I pass, she passes, and neither one of us is particularly aware that the other person is trans.

Which I guess is the heart of it.