Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Gender Dysphoria Blues

 It's been a while since I've posted an update. I know. I have about 60 pages left in my second draft of my first novel, though I've put that down for the past few weeks. I'm in a really difficult section to write but a very important section to the overall story.
Not difficult as in emotionally draining, (as you would expect with a novel that is basically a memoir of my life before transitioning) but difficult as in not much actually happened in this section that I'm writing about right now, but it's very important to the process that allowed me to transition.
I've also held a TG Prom at the Gay Community Center, which was a huge success and a great thing for a lot of people but didn't raise the revenue I had hoped for. That was one week ago now, and I've been digging myself out of the worst depressions I've had since transitioning.
Okay, I realistically didn't expect that much more revenue than I brought in. Or at least not towards the end. I had a pretty good idea of how many people were showing up. I started planning this prom almost immediately after I found out I wasn't selected for the Jim Collins Foundation grant for the second year in a row because quite honestly the thought of one more year without my surgery is rather undbearable.
It still is.
Actually it's the thought that day after day year after year I am going to have to live with the anatomy that I have. It's knowing that every day this gender dysphoria becomes more intense. It's knowing that I am quickly approaching a time when it is just flat out too intense for me to bear any longer.
I'm pulling though though. And this is my attitude. I may very well reach a point where without having had the surgery I'm just going to have to end it, but I'm not going to get there without a fight and if I do get there I will have made one hell of an impact.
I thought I'd write today about Gender Dysphoria, not so much definitions for cis people, or an argument that I really am the gender I say I am, just the experience.
I don't know how to explain it. I don't have a “why?” Why do I “want” to be female? I have no idea. Honestly the only thing I can think of to explain it is that I want to be female because I am female. I hate this thing that is between my legs because it is not supposed to be there.
There's this attitude that these surgeries that many of us trans people need are optional. That's why I can't get health insurance that will cover this surgery. And how do I really explain myself.
I say “I am female” and so many people just can't understand. They say be paitient you'll get your surgery, or they say how courageous I am. And all of this is valid, but at the same time, for me it is this driving urge. Like there is no way to ignore it and I just feel it louder and louder.
Like before I transitioned I thought that maybe there was someway to live around it, to somehow carve out an identity for myself without transitioning but this urge to transition was so intense and became so much more intense that not satisfying it basically caused me to cease functioning.
I mean here I am. I've come a long way. I was able to experience life in my twenties as a woman. To say I live as a woman is inaccurate because I think I can truly say that I am a woman. There are the Kathy Brennens of the world who insist that I am and can never be anything other than a man, but understand that for me it is impossible for me to experience myself as anything other than female. I just am not capable that.
I cannot experience myself as cis-gendered. I can understand the concept that most people accept and are satisfied with the sex they were assigned at birth but I do not know what that feels like. I cannot imagine being male and being satisfied with it. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be male. It is something that is absolutely beyond my experience.
I guess to compare it to something else, I cannot imagine myself in a relationship with someone male. I'm not going to say that there haven't been times when I've been attracted to certain men, because I have, but try as I might I cannot know what it is like to sexually prefer men. I've never experienced it. It's something that I contemplate sometimes. I'll be out somewhere and see a group of straight girls and I just wonder to myself “what is that like?” It is just something completely foreign to me. Just something I can understand on an intellectual level and accept as a state of being but it just isn't something I can relate to.
This gender dysphoria thing...hurts. That's the only way I can really describe it. I have no more ability to imagine myself as man than any other woman. Even when I lived it I couldn't imagine it. It is a state of being that is beyond what I have experienced. It isn't desire. I need to be female. I don't know how to explain it except that it has to be biologically driven because there is nothing I can do or that can be done that has ever “cured” a transsexual other than gender confirmation.
And of course people who haven't experienced it don't know. I've gotten “well it isn't like you have a tumor or something, it isn't life threatening.” And I don't know how to respond. Gender dysphoria is this ever increasing discord that just builds and builds until it becomes intollerable. I mean, it's this discord that I have to stop, and that drove me to transition and drives me to have this Gender Confirmation Surgery.

Not my best entry I think, but it'll do.All 

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